
Back at it After the Plague

I have finally emerged from my mountain of tissues, cough medicine, and self-pity. Yes, after a solid week of sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and feeling like an extra on The Walking Dead, I’ve finally rejoined the world of the living. By that I mean I’m actually sitting at my computer and not lying in bed while creating a fever induced outline for my next book. It’s a cozy mystery, stay tuned…yes, all three of you my lovely blog readers.

This past week was filled with self-reflection and discovering there are a lot of really cool games I can play on my phone. I spent most of it wrapped in a cocoon of blankets with my two four-legged nurses by my side. Killian, my tiny fuzzball of wisdom–note sarcasm–offered his unwavering support by pretending not to be repulsed by my appearance. And of course, there’s Kahlua. My ever so graceful aging acrobat was able to master the art of leaping over used tissues like an Olympic hurdler.

Only a week later, here I am, miraculously rejoining the land of perceived productivity, armed with my laptops and renewed ability to breathe through both nostrils at the same time. As I sink back into my happy place where I type away with a mug of coffee on my left and Killian on my right, I’m reminded that there’s no muse quite like a week of illness. Who knew fever dreams and NyQuil induced haze could be so inspirational?

Here’s to a new week filled with the clacking of keys, the symphony of doggy snores, and the whimsical sound of the coffee maker. Let’s hope I can churn out something more coherent than my delirious midnight ramblings.

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